Stop procrastinating, grab a tall cup of joe, and put on some rockin’ tunes — you’re about to embark on a decluttering frenzy — Marie Kondo-style!
Marie Kondo’s minimalist approach to decluttering goes category-by-category rather than room-by-room. Here are her six basic rules:
1. Commit to cleaning up.
2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle.
3. Discard (but thank each item for serving its purpose).
4. Clean by category, not location.
5. Follow the right order.
6. Ask if an item sparks joy.
Her categories? clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items
Kondo says to start by first removing all the items in a category. For example, if you’re cleaning out your clothes, remove EVERYTHING from your closets and drawers. Once you have a huge pile, go through each item one-by-one. Completely finish one category before moving onto the next.
Motivated? Go on, give it a try! Start small — just pick one category and START! If you do, I'd love to hear how it goes!